3rd Winter School on
Optimization & Control
January 13-17, 2014
SysCon & IEOR
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

The 3rd winter school, organised by the Systems and Control Engineering & Industrial Engineering and Operations Research groups at IIT Bombay aims to expose graduate students to diverse aspects of the field of systems, control, optimization and certain current areas of research. Amongst the particular topics to be covered this year are:

The talks are structured to build the necessary background and then take the audience to candidate research problems of interest.

Accommodation will be provided only to participants who have registered on or before 8 Jan 2014. Note that, accommodation will be available from 12 Jan 2014 (2 PM) till 18 Jan 2014 (9 AM). Also, the accommodation charges will be waived for these participants.

* List of registered candidates can be viewed from the link given below. * Deadline for the registration has been extended.

Click here to view the list of registered candidates.

Click here to view the list of instructions for the participants.